Weekend Wisdom, December 3rd, 2023

As I recently traveled out of state to visit with family over Thanksgiving, I was quickly reminded that I would see everyone again within roughly four weeks. I was also reminded just how many preparations there were before Christmas arrives. As I contemplated the upcoming weeks, I couldn’t help but wonder how many friends and relatives will soon be scrambling to get all the shopping, decorating, and baking accomplished before this next holiday. I also wondered how many of them, come Christmas morning, will realize Advent was overlooked.

Advent is the beginning of the Church’s new liturgical year and comes from the Latin word meaning “to come to.” Advent is supposed to be a time of heart and home preparation. It is supposed to be time set aside intentionally to reflect on the upcoming anniversary of Jesus’ birth as well as prepare for His second coming. If we do not take the time to slow down, we will not be alert or ready for either. Instead of “preparing for another holiday,” we should be reminding ourselves of the hope we have in Christ.

In preparing our hearts, we need to slow down and remind ourselves of Jesus’ promises, why He came, and why He will return. We should share with others the reasons we celebrate Advent. Why not take the time to dive into the Scriptures and read with our family the stories of Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, and the birth of Jesus. Why not contemplate the lyrics of an Advent song before singing it or make personalized gifts for others, more representative of the tributes provided by the Magi to the infant Jesus. Perhaps we should decorate for Advent, leaving the Christmas decorating for Christmas day.

In preparing our homes, we should pick activities that help with the truths of Jesus. We might put out a basket of books or devotionals or make an Advent chain containing prayers for family, friends, and others. Why not set up a prayer area complete with a Bible marked with stories appropriate for Advent, a Nativity creche and even an Advent wreath. Perhaps a small tree could be set up and with a little research into a Jesse Tree, each evening an ornament could be placed on the tree. Instead of snowflakes in windows, why not place stars?

We must recognize the hurried life we lead and slow down the next few weeks, getting our hearts and homes ready during Advent. We need to focus more on the Advent of Christmas than the “Santa season.” Just as a pin that once adorned my coat said, “Jesus is the reason for the season.”

In His grip,

Jean Vander Heiden

Director of Discipleship Formation


Weekend Wisdom, December 10th, 2023


Weekend Wisdom, November 26th, 2023