Weekend Wisdom, November 26th, 2023

What does James 1:17 mean? We love to cite this verse in our Prayer Card Ministry-especially for new babies and marriages-what beautiful gifts - cuties full of love and love as a covenant through the Blessed Sacrament of Marriage. All good and perfect gifts.

In the previous verse, James urged his readers not to be deceived. Emotions and sinful thinking can trick us into turning away from God. We attempt to take control. We struggle to find our own satisfaction.

It is important to cling to the truth, which is that: “Every good and perfect gift is a from Above”. - James 1:17

Make a list of all blessings, our perfect gifs, that we are thankful for. Where did all these blessings come from?

James is encouraging us to the truth: God is our source of all that is good-Mercy, Grace, Love and Forgiveness. When we live in this knowledge, we are comforted in knowing God is with us, and loves us and though we may have trials and sufferings now, we will have eternal happiness with Him. With this knowledge we are not absorbed in our own sufferings, wants and needs-we live a life of gratitude and when we are grateful, we are open to being charitable, praying for others, being kind and welcoming to those around us. James uses a play on words referring to God as the Father of lights, or "of heavenly lights." He is the source of the light that guides us to His Holy Church, to His Holy Sacraments, to a life of gratitude. Light signifies goodness. It literally brightens our world, and goodness brightens the countenance of our souls. We must see this light in others and know God is there-in the goodness in the souls of others.

Look for the light, the goodness, and know God is with us in every good and perfect gift.

Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you and your family,

Ellen Moore

Pastoral Care Coordinator Saints of De Per


Weekend Wisdom, December 3rd, 2023


A Blessing for Hunters