Weekend Wisdom, February 19th, 2023

This weekend we hear from Jean Vander Heiden, Director of Discipleship Formation

This Wednesday, we celebrate the first day of Lent and begin preparing for the high point of Catholicism, Easter. Te readings on Ash Wednesday call us to a change in heart and speak to us of the traditional practices of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We hear that when practicing these three things, we do them in secret, for God knows what is truly in our hearts.

Ash Wednesday allows us to renew our commitment to these traditional practices. In addition, we have an ash cross traced upon our foreheads at Mass. As the ashes are placed, we hear the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dush you shall return,” reminding us of our origin and our death. An alternative to these words, “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel,” reminds us that through repentance, we acknowledge our need for God’s forgiveness and grace. In summary, the ashes remind us that we are saved through the death and resurrection of Christ.

Through the grace of marriage, parents have the responsibility of raising their child(ren) in the faith through example and catechesis. The upcoming season of Lent is a perfect opportunity for families to examine their family life and re-commit their family to the Catholic practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Decide upon one way that your family will pray together during Lent as a reminder of your love for God. Decide upon on way for your family to fast or give up something in order to draw closer to God. Decide upon one way that your family will give alms during Lent to share what you have with people in need.

A simple internet search will bring up several examples of things families can do together during Lent. Families may want to take advantage of the parish’s paid subscription to FORMED during the Lenten season. Families will enjoy Lent with Brother Francis and adults will enjoy Living Lent as a Family. In addition, you will find Stations of the Cross, animation stories of saints, and a host of family movies.

In His grip,

Jean Vander Heiden, Director of Discipleship Formation

Jean has a passion for Catholic education from her years of teaching and administration in Catholic schools in our diocese. She brings her joy of learning and her desire to help others grow to our parish discipleship formation. Jean is the mother of two young adult sons and loves to cook!


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