Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults-Jean Vander Heiden

The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process whereby adults are received into full membership with the Catholic Church. We use a small group format, which includes reading, discussion, prayer and hand-on learning centered on the Bible and the tenets of the Catholic faith. There are no essays or exams.  The RCIA is a journey of faith which builds upon the life experiences you’ve already had and deepens our relationship with God personally and within a church community.

Who is eligble?

  • A person who is not baptized.

  • Someone baptized in another Christian faith tradition who wishes to become part of the Catholic faith tradition.

  • A baptized Catholic who never received First Communion,  Confirmation or both

If you have been baptized in another Christian tradition, the Catholic Church does not re-baptize. You are received into the Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.