Welcome Fr. Ben Johnson

Welcome Fr. Ben!

Welcome Fr. Ben!


Our communities are so blessed to have an associate priest. Currently, this role is served by a younger diocesan priest who also serves as priest chaplain at University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. The university mission field is important for the future of vocations in our diocese, but a young priest also benefits from serving our parishes with Fr. Mike as a mentor. Their time in our communities give them a taste of the community, worship and leadership that a pastorate will require in their future.

Before this current time in the church, when we weren’t navigating a priest shortage, associates had a longer transition before taking on the role of pastor. Due to the critical need for pastors in our diocese, this interim period has shortened making the learning time with a senior, experienced pastor critical. It is important that we see our associate priest as a partner to the pastor and not simply as two churches and two priests.

We are so blessed by the time we’ve had with Fr. Matt Faucett who is now taking a temporary assignment in Wabeno and Lakewood before taking up an active duty chaplaincy in the Army in September.

We are now blessed to welcome Fr. Ben Johnson who will join us effective July 1st. He introduces himself here:

Hi there! I'm Fr. Ben, and I look forward to serving you as associate pastor. I was ordained one year after Fr. Matt Faucett, who you already know well, and I consider myself blessed to be able to serve your community after he moves on to his next assignment. I'm from Oshkosh, and went through Lourdes Academy for all my schooling through high school. After I graduated, I went to MSOE for one year, then I transferred into seminary. I earned my bachelor's in philosophy from St. Mary's University in Winona, MN, then my M.Div. from Mundelein Seminary in Illinois. Covid hit right at the end of my time in seminary, and we had to finish our studies (and graduate) remotely. So yes, technically I did get my Master's degree in the mail, but no I am not a mail-order priest! The Diocese of Green Bay has always been my home, and most of my family still lives here too. I'm not ashamed to admit I fit into most millennial-Catholic stereotypes--I love Theology on Tap, philosophy, science, Bible studies, audiobooks, YouTubers like Matt Fradd, and learning about classic spiritualities. Other than that, my three biggest interests would be Star Wars, Nintendo, and Chipotle. But we'll have plenty of time to get acquainted; in the meantime I ask you to pray for Fr. Matt and for me, and I look forward to being a disciple with you!


God Bless

Fr. Ben

Announcement of Fr. Ben Johnson' Assignment
Fr. Ben's Official Appointment Letter


Summer Sacrament Prep


May Coffee and Donut Sunday!