Weekend Wisdom - December 21st-22nd, 2024

Claymation Advent Wisdom

by Amberly Boerschinger, Director of Communications

As sticky-fingered toddlers my kids were fascinated by the old-school Claymation film of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. They would sing, dance and panic in all the right places and the songs would linger on repeat like a toddler Spotify playlist.

To be honest, amidst all of their joy I have not always been the most joyful Advent participant. While I love the anticipation, reflection and peace offered by the season, I don’t seem to have enough time or energy to appreciate it. Certainly, I can remember that riding on a donkey when nine months pregnant and giving birth in a cave is anything but peaceful, but that doesn’t tame the stress – in fact it sometimes it presents a guilt that makes it worse. Point being, if illness, laundry, medical needs, social gatherings, childcare, politics, finances, or lack of sunshine are weighing you down, know that you’re not alone.

And might I recommend a special viewing of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer with some popcorn and cocoa? While it’s not a daily film in our house of teenagers any longer, there are some age-old encouragements to be had in those quirky Claymation creatures that might resonate with your Advent journey:

“She thinks I’m CUTE!” Sometimes all we need is a little pick-me-up. A single kind word or deed goes a long way.

“We’re a couple of misfits…” As followers of Christ we don’t fit the mold. We are all different and our differences make our community rich. It’s not always easy, but embracing our own differences and standing strong in them is being the person God created us to be.

“Fame and Fortune…” in one of the versions of the movie, the song about misfits was replaced with a song called “Fame and Fortune”. While chasing these things with the world in mind can leave us feeling empty and lonely, as Christians we are called to the richness of fame and fortune in light of the Gospel work of our baptism – we are called to be grateful witnesses to Jesus’ saving presence and generous disciples!

No human can live on an island…remember the Island of Misfit Toys? We need community. Even as an introvert (I know, some of you don’t believe me…) I need community. For some maybe it’s a few close friends, maybe it’s a big group, but its important for us to reach out to one another for perspective, affirmation, inspiration and accountability. It’s a human need.

Even the abominable snow monster needs a job…we all have gifts and if we aren’t able to use our gifts we can get a little cranky. Doing something we love and are good at doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary, but to quote a mentor of mine, Bishop Bob Morneau, “Don’t stay out of your gifted area too long.”

A blessed and peaceful 4th Sunday of Advent to you! Jesus is coming! And don’t miss our Christmas Mass times listed in the photo on this post!


Merry Christmas from the Pastor


Weekend Wisdom - December 8th, 2024