Weekend Wisdom, September 24th, 2023
For students who are back in school, this is a time for studying and growing in knowledge. I am a big advocate of the concept of ‘life-long learning’, so regardless of our age, all of us are called to keep learning and growing. This certainly applies to our faith life! Christian study is rooted in a desire to know God and to know Truth.
Some of the many ways to enrich our lives in Christian study include reading, (sacred scripture and good books), listening, (podcasts and sacred music), and watching, (good Christian movies and videos). Another way to study our faith is through Sacred Art.
We are very blessed that our two parishes contain some amazing sacred art! From the stained-glass windows in the day chapel at St. Mary’s, to the wonderful paintings in our new addition at St. Francis Xavier, sacred art calls us to meditate and pray.
Recently, I found myself drawn to the icon of St. John Vianny, which is on the wall next to the new confessional at St. Francis Xavier Parish. This beautiful icon was written (created) by parishioner Nancy Gezella. I encourage you to learn more about Nancy’s work as an iconographer by reading the article that was published in The Compass at this link:
While meditating and praying with this icon, I was especially drawn to the words of St. John Vianny that are written along the outside perimeter of the icon. Here are the powerful words of Saint John Vianny, Patron of Parish Priests:
· “We are each of us like a small mirror in which God searches for His reflection.”
· “The eyes of the world see no further then the world. The eyes of the Christian see deep into eternity.”
· Do not try to please everybody. Try to please God, the angels and the saints. They are your public.”
· There is nothing so great as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious, He would have given it us”.
What a blessing!
May God bless you and your family,
Deacon Mark