Our New Website!


You may have noticed that during the past two holy seasons we have had website crisises - during Advent we were hacked by an unsavory site and during Holy Week we had a security certificate issue. While I (Amberly) anticipate issues during these times because they are times of high traffic and my experience is that spiritual sites are obvious targets during those times, we decided it was time to make a switch to a platform that we could better manage and secure in-house. What you see here is the foundation of this new tool!

While it may look a little different, the content is very similar and we hope to keep it fresh and always changing! This new platform allows us much more flexibility in both computer and mobile visuals as well as the ability to streamline a lot of our content, pushing reminders to Facebook and other platforms. Let’s take a moment to show you a couple of the key features to help you get more familiar.

News and Updates - Here you will find the latest bits and pieces of information about what is going on at the parishes. You can find it right on the home page if you scroll down or you can click to it from the drop down menu. If you click on a post, you can easily move to earlier and later posts by using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the posts. We are working on setting up an RSS feed for those of you who keep your news that way as well!

Bulletin - This is our hub of information all in one place! It links to our publisher’s website which has the most recent bulletins available.

Contact - Here you can email the front office with questions or information. You can also sign-up for Flocknote, our parish email and texting tool, which will deliver information and formation bites and links each week.

YouTube/Live Stream - This link will take you to our YouTube page. Our live stream, when available, can be found here as well as other important parish events. We encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified when we are live!


Congratulations First Communicants!


Summer Sacrament Prep